The MayField Junior Campus

Mayfield Junior Program Highlights

At Mayfield Junior School, PFS students in 7th and 8th grade experience hands-on learning, they work together as a community to explore different methods of problem solving through twenty first century skills. This is the first opportunity our students attend PFS summer program in a coed environment. It offers the students a unique experience to meet students in the program they may have not known in the previous summers. It offers them a summer to work through some of the challenges that come with being a middle school student. The students’ courses are designed to supplement and enrich previous academic knowledge while expanding and developing new ideas and concepts.

Through science and history students learn how to be inquisitive, make inferences and back up their discoveries with proof. Each summer we focus on expanding students vocabulary and writing skills through class novels and discussions. Mathematically, students are able to take standard based content and apply it to real world situations through project based learning. Technology is woven through all our core academics as well as emphasized in an enrichment STEM class where students create their own video games through basic coding as well as advertisements, video previews and tutorials.

Much like the motto of Mayfield Junior School we focus on creating a whole child. We offer both performing arts through drama and music weekly as well as visual arts through our Friday activities. Students have an opportunity to excel and showcase their talents through athletics, performing arts, academics, visual arts, STEM and more.

Our Fridays are filled with fun activities and field trips that help us to develop a community, where we can practice communication, problem solving, taking risks and working together all in all while having fun. Our goal each summer is to help set students up for success in the upcoming school year through academic enrichment and support.

Courses offered

  • Physical Education

  • English Language Arts

  • Math

  • Technology

  • Science

  • History

  • Music and Drama

Mayfield Junior Faculty

Tawana Benbow
Mayfield Junior School
Religion Teacher
PFS Subject/Class: English

Sam Donaldon
Mayfield Jr. School
English Teacher
PFS Subject/Class: English

Jill Frazee
Mayfield Jr. School
History, Latin, and Religion Teacher
PFS Subject/Class: History

Juan García
Mayfield Jr. School
Dean of Community Life
PFS Subject/Class: Science

Judith González
Blair Middle School
English Teacher
PFS Subject/Class: History

Chris Muir
Mayfield Jr. School
Math Teacher
PFS Subject/Class: Math

Ahkim Olugbala
Mayfield Junior School
Math Teacher
PFS Subject/Class: Math

Carlos Quiros
Los Angeles Unified
Physical Education Teacher
PFS Subject/Class: Physical Education

LeeAnn Ramírez
Mayfield Jr. School
Science Teacher
PFS Subject/Class: Science